Thursday, December 29, 2011
Feeling Blessed
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Picnic Fun
Baylee and I were having a picnic and Abi was feeling better after a few days of being sick so she got to join us. She sure loved the chicken! She knew right what to do with the food that was handed to her, it went right to her mouth. Her favorite was the chicken and hot dogs.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
My Girls!
These girls keep us busy but they also keep us laughing. As soon as Abi wakes up for the day Baylee is begging to hold her. She will hold her and talk to her and sing to her and even when Abi is done and crying Baylee wants to hold her and make her happy. Abi is getting to a point were she handles her big sisters craziness a lot better. Abi loves to eat Baylee and Baylee thinks it is great! At bed time Abi joins us in Baylee’s room as we read Baylee as story, do prayers, and sing one of Baylee’s favorite songs which is fast becoming one of Abi’s favorites as well. When it is song time Baylee scoots over in her bed to make room for Abi. I will lay Abi next to Baylee and Abi turns on her side so she is facing Baylee and they hug with huge grins on their faces while I sing. I love moments like that. I sure hope they continue to have that kind of love and friendship as they grow older. I know that the age gap will create some challenges but I sure hope they can over come that. These two girls are the joys of my life!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Baylee’s Room all finished!!
Here is What we started out with. A basic light tan almost white wall and then we added some color!!
But that still was not enough for us! We went one step further and added some fun!
The empty space above the dresser will have a picture of the temple there just have to get it first.
We are loving the way this turned out!
Our Getting Ready for Christmas Adventures!
While we waited for the popcorn to be ready we worked on the star for the top, I was so busy helping with this project that I didn’t get any pictures of us making it but here is a picture of the finished project, It was fun to see Baylee be creative with it. She was so proud of her star she couldn’t wait to put it on her tree.
After a few days we began work on the popcorn garland, I have never strung popcorn so I didn’t know what to expect but it was a lot of work but fun in its' own sort of way. Baylee really loved to do it and was really good at it. Every piece she did she would remind me that she was not going to poke herself so that I wouldn’t worry.
Next we had to move on to the ornaments. I had big plans for this, we cut up oranges, limes,lemons, and apples and put them in the dehydrated to let them dry our, well only the oranges really turned out all that great, I think I will try grapefruit another time. Then I found a recipe on line using Applesauce, cinnamon, and allspice to make ornaments. It was kind of messy but smelt so yummy when cooking. Baylee and Grace got to help with the cutting out part and thought that it was fun. After they sat out and were dry all the way Baylee and I spent fHE putting the finishing touches on them with lots of glitter. Baylee loves anything that sparkles and had so much fun sprinkling glitter all over. I am sure that I will be finding glitter for months to come all over this house.
I tried to squeeze each of these activities into times that Abi was asleep but she did get in on the decorating part.
The Final Product!!!!
That smile made all the work wiorth it and I can’t wait to keep up this tradition with both girls as they grow. It will be so fun to come up with new ideas for decorations that we can make! (we do have a real and much bigger tree that Jon and I decorated this one is just for Baylee)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Beans by Candlelight: Quick & Easy Bags!
These bags are very cute and my cousin gives a great tutorial on how to make one. hope you all enjoy!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Oh how she grows!
Abigail Brynlee joined our family 3 1/2 months ago and boy is she growing! It seems like everyday she is learning something new. She loves to lay on the floor and just play! She will lay there and talk for almost an hour if she is left alone by Baylee. She loves when Baylee talks to her and sings to her. If we are in the car and Abi is crying Baylee will start to sing A Child’s Pray and sure enough Abi quiets down and falls to sleep. I love that my girls are getting along so much better now. Abi looks all around when she hears Baylee’s voice trying to find her big sister and when she finally spots her she gets a huge grin on her face.
Abi’s love for her big sister is not the only thing that is changing. She has to be sitting up watching what is going on around her most of the time. She sits in her Bumbo and smiles while she watches cartoons with her sister or she will sit and watch her sister dance around the room for her. I am sure that she is thinking about how fun it will be when she is big enough to join in the dancing. As Abi gets bigger her legs are getting stronger and she wants to stand a lot so I pulled out her Jonny Jump Up and she loves it! She will just stand in it and look around unless she is chewing on it. Right now everything that can go in her mouth to be chewed on gets chewed on.
As I said earlier that everything goes in her mouth, because of this reason her love of kisses has grown. When ever I lean into her to give her a kiss she will grab my hair, earrings, or face to pull me closer and hold me down while she tries to eat me. She has a favorite little zebra that gets kissed tons. She grabs a hold of it and brings it right to her mouth and coos while eating it.
Oh how we love watching all the new things that Abi is learning! We sure love this little girl!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Halloween Fun!
Saturday we went over to Lori’s house and worked on pumpkins, everyone was carving their pumpkins but since I had Abi and she had not been feeling well I had Baylee just paint hers and she loved it. She was so excited about it and still enjoys looking at it sitting by our front door. We ended up going Trick or Treating(which I wasn’t planning on since Jon had to work and Abi was sick) with Lori and the girls and Baylee had a blast! I am not a huge fan of Halloween but I am so glad that we have these kinds of traditions to create wonderful memories for my girls!
While we did pumpkins Abi for the first time that day actually laid on the floor and played happily!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Abigail's Blessing

Greatness of October continues
One of the great joys of adoption is that you get the opportunity to take your children into the temple and be sealed for all time and eternity! It is so wonderful to have your children dressed in white in the temple with you! We looked forward to this date with great anticipation and when it finally arrived we enjoyed it with all of our loved ones. I do have to laugh because during the sealing Abi cried the whole time which I figured she would do because she hates to have her hand held. Oh well it was still so wonderful. Thanks to all those that came and supported us!

Thursday, October 27, 2011
It is official!!!
The next exciting thing that happened to us in October came totally unexpected. In the adoption process there are several milestones that you look forward to because each one means you are closer and closer to being done with the process. One of those milestones is the court date for finalization. We were planning on this taking place sometime in November possible the Beginning of December. For emotional survival purposes you put this stuff out of mind knowing that you have hired a great lawyer to take care of it so you don't have to worry about it. Well my phone rang one afternoon and it was the lawyers office calling to tell me that all the paper work had gone through and they were able to get a court date scheduled for us. At this point I thought wow that was fast! Then my next thought was so when in November is it going to be? Dove(lady from lawyers office) then proceeded to tell me that the date was October 13th! I thought for sure that I heard wrong so I repeated it back to her and she confirmed it. Wow!!! That was fast!!! That was only a week away!!! I ran out to Jon in tears to let him know. We immediately started talking about sealing dates(more to come on that) and calling family to let them know. On October 13th we got our little family dressed up and went before Judge Gary D. DeMeyer where after some questions were asked we signed and he signed that papers that make Abi ours legally! I know some of you are thinking she has always been yours, and yes she has and we have felt that way about her way before she was born but there is something about having in on paper. For those who have not adopted it may be hard to understand but for my many friends out there who have gone through the emotional roller coaster of this process you can understand my excitement of having it final!
With Baylee's adoption when we finalized our lawyer asked the judge if we could have a picture with her so we did, and I wanted that with Abi as well. It is nice to see the people who have been part of the process, anyway our lawyer was not able to be in court with us and sent someone else who has never done and adoption so I knew he would not be asking this for us. The judge was very intimidating at first and I thought "oh no we will not get a picture" but I got brave and at the very end asked and he was more then willing to take one and I am so glad he was! Now we can show Abi who helped make it happen when we tell her her story.
Monday, October 24, 2011
The Big 4!!!
I am so thankful for this sweet very opinionated child. She has been a real challenge but so worth it. Yes we go head to head about almost everything but there is nothing better then when she crawls up next to me and wants to cuddle or wants to help me in the kitchen or read her a book. She knows what she wants and knows how to get it yet she loves to give and gets excited when others are happy. I love how excited she gets when her daddy comes home and how she asks him for a strawberry lemonade every night even though she never drinks them. I love to listen to her sing "I love to see the temple" and get every word right. I love everything about her and am so thankful that I get to be her mom. Not a day goes by that I don't look and her and am amazed at how much I love her. I never knew that you could love someone so stinking much! I am excited to see what new adventures come our way this next year with Baylee!!