
Monday, May 2, 2011

The joy's of motherhood.

I have a funny story to share about my sweet Baylee but before I do so I need to let you know that as you read this story to keep in mind that Baylee is obsessed with smelling everything . Now on to the story.

The other night I was sitting at the table studying for my lesson on Sunday when Baylee walks up to me and puts her finger under my nose and says "smell mom" (now keep in mind what I said earlier of her being obsessed with smelling everything so this was not an unusual request) so I take a whiff and notice no strong smell so I ask her "what am I smelling Baylee?" She response "poop mom" You heard right she was having me smell poop on her finger. Now I looked at her finger and it did not look like it had poop on it. I told her to go wash her hands not sit there and sniff it. I then asked where she got the poop from and she says "my bum mom!" Duh but how did it get on her fingers. I never figured that out. Any way I thought it was a funny story and it just shows as a mother you have to be prepared for anything when it comes to these little munchkins they are full of surprises!