
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Moving day is finally here. Tomorrow we load the truck and unload it in our new home. I love the fact that when I say our home it truly is ours. My monthly payment will no longer be going in someone else' s pocket instead it will be going toward something I will own in the end. We have been so busy around here packing. Baylee has done really well but has had her bad days. She loves to help box everything up and label all the boxes. At times I think she really gets what is going on but then on her bad days I wonder how much she really gets. Today we had to go run some errands and where headed home when Baylee started throwing a fit because she didn't want to go to her house she wanted to go to her new house. She was so upset when we pulled into the drive way. I wish she had a better understanding of time then she would know that tomorrow is the day!!!!! I hope that I am ready for this move. I feel ready but it all seemed too easy! As long as the rain stays away I think all will go smoothly tomorrow. Any way I am just super excited to finally been done packing and can't wait to decorate and organize my new home!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Best Friend a Girl Could Have!

So today I said good bye to one of the best friends a girl could have! Claudia has been a part of my life for almost 4 years but it is hard to remember her not in my life. She came into my life at a time that I really needed a friend like her. I met her shortly after my dear sweet daughters passed away. I never wanted to leave my house. It was too much effort to visit with people and paste the smile on my face. Jon kept pushing me to get out and have fun but I kept refusing until one day he came home and told me we were going to float the river with the Cook family and there was nothing I could say about it. This was the first time I met Claudia. From that day on I have not looked back at that dark place in my life and felt the despair I had felt. Claudia seem to radiate happiness and I had so much fun and truly smiled when around her. I am so going to miss her. Utah is lucky to have Claudia. I am so thankful for the past three years and look forward to seeing Claudia when ever we get to Utah or her to Boise. There have been so many fun times, like giggling in the bathroom at the movies so hard that I thought I would end up on the floor, or just playing cards, or just talking. Baylee is going to miss her as well. She loves her Claudia, RC and Aidan. Not a day goes by that she doesn't mention one of them. So Cook family I say "Have fun, remember the Svedin's always and you better come visit!!!!"

Friday, October 8, 2010

We Got It!!!

We got the house!! I am so excited and nervous at the same time! This is a big step for us to buy a house and finally settle down. I can't wait to have a home of my own. I have started getting things packed up around here and I think Baylee is feeling a little misplaced. She has been very clingy the last couple of days. When I show her a picture of the house she gets all excited and starts squealing "my house". I know she is just as excited because we will be by her cousin Grace but I don't think she really understands what is going on. I am not sure our exact date of moving because we are not sure when we are closing. We know that we will be closing by the 25th but it could happen before that. We are planning on being moved by Halloween. Any way if you stop by my house anytime soon don't expect it to be in any sort of order! Boxes every where!!!!!!!!!