One of the things that was the hardest on me during our struggles to have children was whenever someone blessed their baby. That day always seemed to be the hardest Sundays. It was once again a reminder that Jon would not ever get that opportunity. Yes he got to bless McKenzie and Vanessa in the hospital but that was different because he only gave them a name and not a blessing.
Baylee was blessed before we even met her so we did not have that opportunity with her either so it was one thing that still hurt a little. Now don't ask me why it was so hard because in the whole picture it is just a little thing that is not really that big of a deal to miss out on but for some reason it was hard for me. So needless to say I was super excited about
Abi's blessing. She wore the same dress that she was sealed to us in. She looked beautiful. Danielle who was taking pictures for us at the temple could not come up to the blessing and
Abi was done for the day after the temple so we didn't get any pictures of her by herself in her dress. I really wanted some cute pictures and so I asked Danielle when she came up the next weekend for our annual cousin day if she would take some. So in an already crazy weekend we decided to cram in some pictures. We remembered to do this the last night we were together and right before it got dark so I hurried and threw
Abi in her dress and we headed out on a chilly night to get a few pictures in the yard. Boy was
Abi not happy about this. It is hard to tell from the pictures but she was crying most of the time. The grass was cold but she w didn't seem to mind when we laid her down in it. I have to say that I am very happy with the way they turned out! I am so happy that we were able to get a few great shots to capture this important event.
What a wonderful month you've had. Abi is such a beautiful baby.