Sunday, January 15, 2012
Being a mommy is hard...
The first moment was with my Sweet Baylee(I can't say enough times how much I love this girl). Baylee is our little sleep talker ok maybe I shouldn't say little but huge sleep talker. Every night you can here her in her room sound asleep having a conversation with who knows who. Randomly she will yell out in her sleep. Most of the time I can tell when she is sleep talking or if she is needing me but occasionally she will yell out and sound so scared that I get up to check on her only to find her asleep. The other night she yelled out and I thought oh she is still asleep but she continues to cry so I got up to check on her. When I entered her room she patted a spot on her bed and said "mommy I need you for a min." Not very often will I lay next to her in bed but this night I felt it was so important for her. As I laid next to her she rubbed my face with the biggest smile on her face and went to sleep. Well last night once again she yelled out and I got up to check on her she looked asleep so I leaned in to kiss her forehead and cover her back up when she wrapped her little arms around me and pulled me into a hug and whispered "mommy I saw him" When asked who she said "Heavenly Father". I asked her why this scared her and she said because I was sleeping. Then she hugged me tight and said she loved me. Those little moments that I get to see Baylee in her most sweetest forms, where we are not arguing over her doing something she has been asked to do, or her dancing all over the place she wont even pause for a hug are the rewards of having to sometimes get up several times a night with my little sleep talker. It makes being tired worth it.
Last night I also had a moment with Abigail. Abi is our sleeper, she has been a great sleeper from the start and I am so thankful for that. I am not good with the loss of sleep. Abi is also not a baby that enjoys to be cuddled, she wants to be left to play and explore the world. When she is tired she gets angry if you try to hold her and put her to sleep she would rather you lay her in her crib and let her just go to sleep. I am thankful for this but at moments I would love to just cuddle her. Well the past couples days she has not been sleeping well and only wants to be cuddled so I know she is not feeling well. The only way to get her to stop fussing is to hold her. She then will go to sleep for about 20 mins. before having to start the process all over again. Last night after having to get up with her for about the 15th time I was tired, cranky and really just wanted to get some sleep I was in her dark room holding her when she reached up and felt my face and then grabbed a hold of my finger and fell asleep. As I watched her sleeping in my arms I was filled with the warmth of love. How could I not love getting up during the night to enjoy this moment that I would not get other wise.
These little moments that happen in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep are the moments that make being a mom worth it! How could I not feel so lucky when I am the only one who will ever get to enjoy those moments with my girls. No one else gets to feel that love that passes between me and my girls in the dark of the night when I go to comfort a bad dream or help when they are not feeling well. I love being a mommy and am so thankful to all those who have made that possible for me.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Movie Time
Baylee doesn’t always want to watch or do what Jon and I are doing so we occasionally will let her watch a movie in our room. On this particular day we wanted to watch a movie but she wanted to watch her movie on the big tv not mommy and daddy’s tv. It took some convincing and some cleverness to get her to finally agree to watch a movie in our room. I told her if she watched a movie in our room she could build a fort on the bed with pillows. She agreed to this and asked Daddy to help her.
This is what happens when a man gets involved in a simple fort building project!
But the smile on that sweet face made it all worth it!! Baylee and Daddy are the best of buds! Thanks Jon for being such and awesome daddy for our girls and not doing anything half way!
Oh Christmas Time, Oh Christmas Time
Baylee was the first up in our house Christmas morning but it was her regular wake up time. She was very excited so we sent daddy down to check to see if Santa had come then her and I headed down the stairs. She was very excited to see that Santa had brought more presents!
I didn’t want Abi to miss out on the unwrapping of gifts so I went up and woke her up. Luckily for us she wakes up very happy and does well even when we wake her up. The first gift that was opened(Baylee opened all gifts unless it was to daddy or me) was to Abi and it was the Tutu that I had made for her. She grabbed it and proceeded to chew on it the rest of the morning!
Well since Christmas was on a Sunday as soon as gift unwrapping was done we started the process of getting ready for church, luckily Santa had gotten the girls very pretty dresses for Christmas so there was no fight about what to wear this morning(Baylee has a different opinion then me on what is cute for church)
My mom made the girls the cutest Tepee and Baylee had to have it set up right away and played in it while I got ready for church.
We headed to Grandma Tam’s church and then out to her house for dinner. we spent the next day at Grandma Tam’s house playing games, It was a whirl wind but we loved every min. of it!