
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Is 13 bad luck or good luck?

In my last post  I talked about how this year was not turning out to be what I imagined.  It took about 6 months of rotten luck but it has turned around.  If you had asked me a few months ago I would have told you that 13 was for sure an unlucky number because the year 2013 has turned out so crappy but now if you ask me I just might say it is pretty darn lucky.  It really all depends on which part of this year that you ask me.  After Jon had lost his job at the beginning of the year I thought for sure he would find another one right away and we would be fine but time went on and he still did not have a job.  I began to worry about what we were going to do and he just kept reassuring me that we would be fine and things were going to work out.  I informed him that if we had to we could make it through June but that was it we would be completely out of money.  He felt strongly about applying for a Job Coach position with Deseret Industries but there just were not any open at the time.  We kept waiting and waiting for one to open and I kept pushing him to apply for other jobs even thought he felt that he really needed to work for the Church.  Eventually some positions started to open up and he started applying even though they were all out of the area so we would have to move we put our faith in our Heavenly Father and kept applying.  As we got closer and closer to June and he had only had 1 interview that didn’t end up hiring I because very nervous.  True to who Jon is he just kept telling me to trust our Heavenly Father.  He had put out about 15 or so applications for Job Coach positions and finally toward the middle of June we start hearing back from several that are interested.  He knew he was in the top 3 for a position in Arizona which I really didn’t want to move to but I knew if that was the job he was suppose to get I would do whatever needed to be done.  I had just transferred the last of our saving to pay a bill and didn’t know what we were going to do the next month.  We had heard that an offer should be coming soon and I kept checking the mail everyday for the formal letter saying he was hired and it just never came.  Everyday I was disappointed but Jon kept telling me to relax then one day when I was feeling that I could no longer go any more I went up to take a nap to help get rid of a horrible headache I had been fighting for months when Jon came up and handed me a letter from the Church stating that he was being offered the position of Job Coach at the Nampa Deseret Industries!!!  I was so excited for Jon and what this meant for our family!  We would get to stay in the area and things would start looking up.  Jon started work at the beginning of July and our benefits kicked right in which is huge blessing.  I am so Thankful for a husband that has the faith to stay patient and follow the promptings he receives even when his wife is pushing him another direction.