Since I was a little girl I always wanted a yellow kitchen so now that we own our home I went looking for the yellow that I loved! I found the one I wanted and it has sat in my kitchen since almost day one. I have looked at it several different times a day to make sure that I liked it. Finally I decided it was time to make my kitchen yellow! So here is the before picture. (now as I was loading these pictures I realized I always seem to take pictures when my house is a disaster so ignore the mess focus on the colors of the wall.)
I got out all the paint supplies and went at it. I soon realized that this is not what I was wanting at all. I kept painting because I thought that maybe the finished picture would be different then what I was seeing as I painted well I was wrong! I ended up with I kitchen that I couldn't even stand to be in!
As soon as I was finished I couldn't stand to be downstairs so I headed up to paint the baby's room. Yes I know that was brave seeing how bad the kitchen turned out. Now before I go on I must say this picture is actually later in the day when the light was better and I liked the paint color. It just doesn't look good in certain light. As the day went on I started really liking it but knew I would not be able to stand to be in my kitchen during the morning hours. Any way back to the baby's room.
This room took us a lot of time to figure out the color. First I fell in love with some curtains from Walmart but when I went to buy them decided I wanted something different so then I shopped around and couldn't find anything that I loved except a shower curtain. So I bought the shower curtain and did some cutting and sewing to make bedroom curtains. I think they turned out well. Any way I loved the orangish pinkish color and decided that the walls in the baby's room would be that color. I found the perfect paint color to match it and was going to buy it but then Jon and I changed our minds and went with this color:
So after being successful in the Baby's room I figured I could tackle the kitchen again. When Jon got home from work we headed out to get a new paint color. Keep in mind I had the last color picked out for 6 months before I dare painted. We went to the store and found several we liked picked one and bought the paint. We went home and I started painting and I love the color! After two coats of the new color to cover up the yellow I am done. I love the color so much that I am trying to figure out what wall to use the left over paint on!
What a day of painting I have had. My arms ache my back hurts, and I am covered in paint but I have two rooms that I love the colors of. Actually now I have 4 rooms that I have painted and loved. Next room on the list is my Bedroom and I can't wait! But that will have to be another day and not any time soon!